Welcome to Restoration Fellowship Int'l (RFI), where we strive to connect our members and guests to a life in Christ. We strongly believe in love, faith, and the Word.

We invite you to join us and have your own experience with God. At RFI, we pride ourselves on the ability to create a strong fellowship filled with unconditional love and support. Spend a little time with us and you will quickly see that we are actively serving God through our talents, abilities, and resources.


Please join us in 42 days of "The Purpose Driven Life" Series

Service Times

Sunday Morning Service: 10:30 AM


522 Capitol Avenue, 

Cheyenne, WY 82007

Ph. 307.635.3184

Our Core Beliefs

1. There is only one God, revealed in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

2. Jesus Christ is Lord, and as God's Son was both fully human and divine.

3. The entire Bible is inspired by God.

4. Everyone has sinned and fallen short of the glory.

5. Salvation can only be attained freely through God's grace.

Contact Us

Visiting for the first time? Have a question? 

Accepted Christ for the first time?
Whatever the reason may be, we encourage you to reach out to our team. We are excited about what God is doing, and we would be glad to hear from you! 


Recursos de Informacion Publica
Spiritual & Mental Health Resources


Join us as we study the Word of God! 


With man it is impossible, but with Christ ALL things are possible!


Join us in service on Sunday mornings at 10:30 AM. Come as you are! 


You are not here by accident, welcome to Restoration Fellowship. May God bless you and your walk with Christ!

what's new

This Sunday


On the last Sunday of each month, we partake in communion in remembrance of Christ's body and blood being broken and poured out for us on the cross. 

Adult Bible Enagement

Wednesdays from 6-7 pm


be encouraged

Some helpful resources and encouragement from Pastor Tom.

Iron sharpens iron, so a person sharpens another! Proverbs 27:17

YouVersion App
Focus on the Family
General Council - Assemblies of God

"Blessed and encouraged by your continued faithfulness in hard times."

-Pastor Tom

From Anger to Affection in marriage
New Believers
Pastor Rick's Daily Hope series: Why you need to think about what you think about